Friday, August 8, 2014

Friday. STOLEN

Today we decided to paddle from Fachwerk down to the lake downstream of Palfau.
It was great fun! Very wet, yes, with much white water. The Sevylor is not quite made for WW II and the water cannot drain quickly enough, making Peter's job as a pilot hard while it drains. Still, we managed all waves and rocks until we stopped for our resting-point at the forking of the streets Wildalpen / Palfau.

Years ago the Sevylor had a defect air-chamber which we had repaired. Today, the same air-chamber gave up on us, denying us the joys of paddling the second stretch with our group. We assumed that the already repaired bit had given in (again).

Disappointed, we hauled the boat up to the street, where there is a parking for paddlers. we stripped the boat of the valves and seats and put it to the side, to pick it up on our return.

With Hermann's car we drove to the exit and waited for our group to arrive. On our way back, we stopped to pick up the defect boat but - incredible - somebody

stole our boat!!!

There is a code of honour among paddlers. You just don't steal stuff!

Saturday will see us on our way home...

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Wednesday, paddling solo

With the water from the heavy rain receding, it's time for yours truly to go paddling in my red WTF?!-boat (a Prijon Forte, great riverrunner).

There was still quite some more water than on sunday and admittedly, the 5 km stretch was tiring due to the constant whitewater and rocks to maneuver. I survived :) Some of my fellow-paddlers really wanted to know it and hammered their boats through all holes and big waves they could get. Everybody was having lots of fun.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Monday, august 4th: hiking

Climbing up the Wasserloch-Klamm a steep & narrow canyon with marvellous waterfalls.
Arriving back at the car, I treated myself to a well-deserved Salzatal- waffle. See picture :-)

Sunday, august 3rd

After sleeping for13 hours, We paddled some 13km from above the campground down to exit Fachwerk in our inflatable Sevylor. Was lots of fun! Great landscape.
The evening hit us with a massive downpour and so we hit the sack around 10pm.

Sunday, August 3, 2014


We started late Friday, 10:30pm and given the prognosis for that weekend,the ride was ok except for a few accidents.
Unfortunately, when we left the autonahn, we meandered a bit around with our GPS devices dying on us.
After 13 hours we arrived and set up the tents.
First surprise: Ravier is missing his wallet. After intensive search - he insisted it had been with him AFTER we went restocking in Bad Hall - we called the supermarket. Surprise: it is there. Great relief!

There is a play-spot right at the campsite and some where already paddling that day. We were too tired. Managed to carry through the day and keeled over at 7pm.
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