Thursday, July 17, 2014

Thursday, 48 km

Sooo, now we're talking distance. At least for us. This is going to be the longest stretch we've paddled on one day. Ever. (I believe I wrote that before ...)

We could pack a dry tent (again, good) and were almost good to go when we realized we still had the tent's footprint unfolded on a line to dry :) 

The sun was alreday warm when we set off and it stayed that way. We took off before the rest of our gang, trusting that they would catch up with our slower boats rather quickly. Or, at least, before noon so we could stop for the traditional noon-time sip of Sherry.

As usual, you can count on the VfL-folks when you really need them and they arrived well before noon.

Please be assured this is the only alcohol we were consuming while on the water. And it really is only a sip.

The afternoon went by without much excitement. The only Situation was when the DLRG-guys with their boat were so busy watching some riders at the river-bank that they almost touched my boat. Shouldn't have happened, but we all survived. Work, don't play / gawk!  <scnr>

At Torgau we didn't bother to check out the premises of the kayak-Club - we immediately pitched the tent on the river-bank's grass. Then we ate. Boy, was I hungry! And tired. We had a nap and then decided to see what the city had to offer in terms of  (more) Food.

Dined at a local steakhouse (small menu but everything was very delicious) and fell into a coma before 10pm :)

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